过场动物是许多视频游戏不可或缺的一部分,但是它们的创作既昂贵又耗时,并且需要许多游戏开发人员缺乏的技能。尽管AI已被利用为半自动过场动画的生产,但结果通常缺乏专业人类董事特征的样式的内部一致性和统一性。我们用Cine-AI克服了这一缺点,Cine-AI是一种开源程序性摄影工具集,能够以杰出的人类导演的风格生成游戏中过场动画。 Cine-AI在流行的游戏引擎团结中实现,具有新颖的时间轴和情节板界面,用于设计时间操纵,并结合运行时摄影自动化。通过两项使用定量和定性措施的用户研究,我们证明了Cine-AI产生过过过场动物,这些过场动物与目标主管正确关联,同时提供高于平均水平的可用性。我们的导演模仿数据集可公开使用,可以由用户和电影爱好者扩展。
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Object instance segmentation is a key challenge for indoor robots navigating cluttered environments with many small objects. Limitations in 3D sensing capabilities often make it difficult to detect every possible object. While deep learning approaches may be effective for this problem, manually annotating 3D data for supervised learning is time-consuming. In this work, we explore zero-shot instance segmentation (ZSIS) from RGB-D data to identify unseen objects in a semantic category-agnostic manner. We introduce a zero-shot split for Tabletop Objects Dataset (TOD-Z) to enable this study and present a method that uses annotated objects to learn the ``objectness'' of pixels and generalize to unseen object categories in cluttered indoor environments. Our method, SupeRGB-D, groups pixels into small patches based on geometric cues and learns to merge the patches in a deep agglomerative clustering fashion. SupeRGB-D outperforms existing baselines on unseen objects while achieving similar performance on seen objects. Additionally, it is extremely lightweight (0.4 MB memory requirement) and suitable for mobile and robotic applications. The dataset split and code will be made publicly available upon acceptance.
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Language models are widely deployed to provide automatic text completion services in user products. However, recent research has revealed that language models (especially large ones) bear considerable risk of memorizing private training data, which is then vulnerable to leakage and extraction by adversaries. In this study, we test the efficacy of a range of privacy-preserving techniques to mitigate unintended memorization of sensitive user text, while varying other factors such as model size and adversarial conditions. We test both "heuristic" mitigations (those without formal privacy guarantees) and Differentially Private training, which provides provable levels of privacy at the cost of some model performance. Our experiments show that (with the exception of L2 regularization), heuristic mitigations are largely ineffective in preventing memorization in our test suite, possibly because they make too strong of assumptions about the characteristics that define "sensitive" or "private" text. In contrast, Differential Privacy reliably prevents memorization in our experiments, despite its computational and model-performance costs.
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Recent 3D-aware GANs rely on volumetric rendering techniques to disentangle the pose and appearance of objects, de facto generating entire 3D volumes rather than single-view 2D images from a latent code. Complex image editing tasks can be performed in standard 2D-based GANs (e.g., StyleGAN models) as manipulation of latent dimensions. However, to the best of our knowledge, similar properties have only been partially explored for 3D-aware GAN models. This work aims to fill this gap by showing the limitations of existing methods and proposing LatentSwap3D, a model-agnostic approach designed to enable attribute editing in the latent space of pre-trained 3D-aware GANs. We first identify the most relevant dimensions in the latent space of the model controlling the targeted attribute by relying on the feature importance ranking of a random forest classifier. Then, to apply the transformation, we swap the top-K most relevant latent dimensions of the image being edited with an image exhibiting the desired attribute. Despite its simplicity, LatentSwap3D provides remarkable semantic edits in a disentangled manner and outperforms alternative approaches both qualitatively and quantitatively. We demonstrate our semantic edit approach on various 3D-aware generative models such as pi-GAN, GIRAFFE, StyleSDF, MVCGAN, EG3D and VolumeGAN, and on diverse datasets, such as FFHQ, AFHQ, Cats, MetFaces, and CompCars. The project page can be found: \url{https://enisimsar.github.io/latentswap3d/}.
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Landslides在人为全球变暖时代的人类生活和财产的常规发生和令人震惊的威胁。利用数据驱动方法早日预测利用数据驱动方法是时间的要求。在这项研究中,我们探讨了最能描述Landslide易感性与最先进的机器学习方法的雄辩功能。在我们的研究中,我们采用了最先进的机器学习算法,包括XGBoost,LR,KNN,SVM,Adaboost用于滑坡敏感性预测。要查找每个单独分类器的最佳超级参数以优化性能,我们已纳入网格搜索方法,交叉验证10倍。在这种情况下,XGBoost的优化版本优先于所有其他分类器,交叉验证加权F1得分为94.62%。其次是通过合并Treeshap并识别斜坡,高度,TWI等雄辩的特征来探索XGBoost分类器,这些特征在于,XGBoost分类器的性能大多是Landuse,NDVI,SPI等功能,这对模型性能较小。 。根据Treeshap的特征说明,我们选择了15个最重要的滑坡因果因素。显然,XGBoost的优化版本随着特征减少40%,在具有十字架的流行评估度量方面表现优于所有其他分类器。 - 在培训和AUC分数的加权F1得分为95.01%,AUC得分为97%。
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